Medical News Today

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High testosterone levels linked to increased risk of AFib in older men

A new study found that older men with higher levels of circulating testosterone were at an increased risk for atrial fibrillation.

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Can our genes predict our high blood pressure risk?

Researchers say they have identified genetic signals in the human genome that may help predict a person's risk of high blood pressure

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Pulmonary hypertension: Dietary changes may help with treatment, study finds

Researchers say dietary changes that limit the amino acids glutamine and serine may help slow disease progression in pulmonary hypertension and improve the effectiveness of current medications.

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A tailored vaccine shows promise in treating childhood eczema

Researchers say a new "tailored" vaccine shows promise in treating eczema flares caused by a certain bacteria in children

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'Probable' carcinogens found inside cars. Should you be worried?

A new study suggests that potential carcinogens linked to neurological issues, hormone disruption, and cancer-related death may be inside many cars, especially in the summer.

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New mRNA cancer vaccine helps immune system fight deadly brain tumors

Researchers from the University of Florida have developed a new mRNA cancer vaccine to retrain the body's immune system to attack and potentially treat glioblastoma, a deadly form of brain cancer.

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In Conversation: Is intermittent fasting actually bad for your heart?

In this episode, Medical News Today discusses whether intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating practices are safe for the heart, especially in the long run.

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Are plant-based meat substitutes really better for the heart than meat options?

New research suggests that plant-based meat substitutes may be no better than meat when it comes to protecting heart health.

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A 'balanced' diet is better than a vegetarian one in supporting brain health

Research comparing four diet subtypes, including a 'balanced' diet and a vegetarian diet, concluded that following a balanced dietary patter has the strongest protective effect on cognitive function and mental health

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Psoriasis and inflammation: What is the link?

While there is no cure for psoriasis, there are steps a person can take to reduce psoriasis-related inflammation and increase the chances of reaching and maintaining remission.